A Writer's Guide to Harry Potter - download pdf or read online

By S.P. Sipal

What makes the Harry Potter Books such a success? and the way are you able to faucet into that very same luck on your personal writing?

A Writer's advisor to Harry Potter delves underneath the pages of JK Rowling's blockbuster novels to envision thetechniques she utilized in growing tales that enchanted audiences acrossgenerations and world wide. utilizing the textual content of the novels as yourguide, S.P. Sipal takes you deep into the mechanical and artisticdevices at the back of the good fortune, together with the imaginative and prescient and marketing aspectsof the phenomenon. New chapters contain research of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts and the place to discover Them.

Whether you're writing delusion, technological know-how fiction, secret, or literary fiction, no matter what your style or target age team, this advisor can help youstrengthen your writing through letting JK Rowling's paintings function yourmentor. via fifteen particular classes, you are going to discover ways to harness hertechniques to enhance your individual craft and magnificence and cause them to morecompelling and unique.

Topics include:

  • character development
  • world building
  • backstory development
  • overall plotting and publication structure
  • scene structure 
  • conflict and pressure building
  • mystery plotting
  • tapping into myths and archetypes
  • fan interaction
  • social media
  • and author-driven publishing and promotion.
Whether you're simply beginning out as a author or have a number of books publishedthis booklet is a gem to help you take your writing to anotherlevel--and allow you to benefit from the strategy as you cross. And it is a source youcan return to over and over to fill up the artistic good as youtackle each one new project.

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A Writer's Guide to Harry Potter by S.P. Sipal

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