American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner by Frank M. Oppenheim,Rebecca Kneale Gould ,Gertrude Reif PDF

By Frank M. Oppenheim,Rebecca Kneale Gould ,Gertrude Reif Hughes ,Robert McDermott,Douglas Sloan ,David Ray Griffin ,Dan McKanan

Few thinkers from outdoor the us have touched American tradition in as many ways as Rudolf Steiner. Agriculture, schooling, spirituality, and medicine—or extra accurately, replacement practices in those fields—all undergo transparent marks of his effect, for people with eyes to work out. but the very breadth of Steiner's effect has probably made him tougher, now not more straightforward, for observers of yank tradition to note. The phrases Waldorf schooling and biodynamic agriculture are extra widely known than Rudolf Steiner himself or Anthroposophy. Anthroposophic tasks are quite often understood when it comes to parallel projects with assorted non secular roots, instead of in terms of the wealthy textile of Steiner's worldview. american citizens mostly think biodynamic agriculture as a extra excessive kind of organics and Waldorf faculties as 'like Montessori colleges in simple terms extra so.' whilst I describe the Camphill circulate, so much interlocutors reply with 'Is that just like the L'arche movement?' And hundreds of thousands of consumers at wellbeing and fitness nutrition cooperatives and full meals supermarkets buy Weleda epidermis lotion, diaper cream, or homeopathic treatments with little feel of connection to Steiner's imaginative and prescient of spirit energetic on the earth. —Dan McKanan (from the foreword). American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner aspires to elevate Steiner's profile by way of digging into only one box of inquiry: philosophy. prior to he turned recognized to the area as a transmitter of clairvoyant knowledge, Steiner used to be an instructional thinker, editor of the medical writings of Goethe and writer of a foundational paintings in philosophy, The Philosophy of Freedom: the root for a latest Worldview, released in 1894. That ebook expressed in philosophical phrases the various rules that might later grow to be fundamental to the non secular technology of Anthroposophy. notwithstanding the authors hide quite a lot of issues, such a lot percentage an elegiac tone. They see nice power for discussion among Rudolf Steiner and the good American philosophers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. American philosophy can have taken a improper flip within the mid-twentieth century, while pragmatism gave strategy to a convention of analytical philosophy that eschewed metaphysics as inherently meaningless and excited about the coherence or incoherence of linguistic buildings. still, many new websites of power discussion exist among Steiner and American philosophy. 5 of the articles during this quantity have been written as a part of a seminar on Rudolf Steiner and American inspiration as a part of a undertaking for the Renewal of Philosophy, technology, and schooling subsidized by means of Laurance S. Rockefeller. a few of the contributions have been initially released in ReVision: A magazine of cognizance and Transformation (spring and summer time 1991).

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American Philosophy and Rudolf Steiner by Frank M. Oppenheim,Rebecca Kneale Gould ,Gertrude Reif Hughes ,Robert McDermott,Douglas Sloan ,David Ray Griffin ,Dan McKanan

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