Download e-book for iPad: Blank Pages- Memoirs by Kassy Keppol

By Kassy Keppol

clean Pages is a suite of journals for writers. it's a sequence of photo organizers, activates, and magazine areas to remove the intimidation of a clean web page. Set to the middle criteria this can be a software for writers and lecturers. 3rd grade to grownup can use those journals. to work out examples visit we'll be loading new info and lesson plans/examples regularly.
Blank Pages- Memoirs is the 1st magazine within the sequence. it's arrange with a month of activates for writing approximately your existence. With over a hundred twenty five pages of actions, there are offerings for everybody. on a daily basis of the month has 3 pages of actions, magazine house, and fees from different writers. every one week has an artwork task and pages on the finish to proceed any tale you may have begun. on the finish of the month there are pages to choose one task and edit and structure it for attainable publication.

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Blank Pages- Memoirs by Kassy Keppol

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