Brooks Landon's Building Great Sentences: How to Write the Kinds of PDF

By Brooks Landon

in accordance with the bestselling sequence from the good classes, Building nice Sentences celebrates the sheer pleasure of language—and will perpetually swap how you learn and write.

Great writing starts with the sentence. even if it’s phrases (“Jesus wept.”) or William Faulkner’s 1,287-word sentence in Absalom! Absalom!, sentences have the ability to captivate, entertain, inspire, train, and, most significantly, satisfaction. but, the sentence-oriented method of writing is simply too frequently neglected in want of bland economic system. Building nice Sentences teaches you to write down larger sentences by way of luxuriating within the pleasures of language.

Award-winning Professor Brooks Landon attracts on examples from masters of lengthy, stylish sentences—including Don DeLillo, Virginia Woolf, Joan Didion, and Samuel Johnson—to demonstrate the mechanics of the way language works on ideas and feelings, supplying the instruments to jot down robust, more advantageous sentences.

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Building Great Sentences: How to Write the Kinds of Sentences You Love to Read (Great Courses) by Brooks Landon

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