Download PDF by Harlan Coben: Don't Let Go

By Harlan Coben

The superb new novel from the overseas bestselling writer of Home and Fool Me Once. incorrect identities, darkish kinfolk secrets and techniques and mysterious conspiracies lie on the middle of this gripping new thriller.

Fifteen years in the past in small-town New Jersey, a teenage boy and woman have been came across lifeless.

Most humans concluded it used to be a sad suicide pact. The useless boy's brother, Nap Dumas, didn't. Now Nap is a cop - yet he is a cop who performs by way of his personal ideas, and who hasn't ever made peace along with his past.

And while the earlier comes again to hang-out him, Nap discovers secrets and techniques can kill...

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A Justified Bitch: A Las Vegas Mystery (Las Vegas Mysteries) by H.G. McKinnis PDF

By H.G. McKinnis

It takes a responsible bastard to make a justified bitch.

When a severed finger exhibits up on her doorstep in a seedy component to Las Vegas, Helen Taylor doesn't freak out. She’s already loopy, as evidenced by way of her junk-stuffed condominium and its ever-growing inhabitants of cats. There’s additionally Bobby, her long-dead husband. Helen talks to him frequently, and Bobby talks back.

The finger and the brutal homicide it finds are greater than a hoarding cat girl with a phantom husband can forget about. Helen’s a suspect, and she or he results in detention center. Summoned via the detective at the case, Helen’s sister Pat arrives from Phoenix with teen-age boys in tow.

While Helen is AWOL from a psychological facility, one other ugly homicide is stumbled on. Pat, the men, and the detective fight to split truth from madness, however it takes energy past the normal to convey the reality to light.

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Die Toten von Contrada Brunelli (German Edition) by Umberto Matino PDF

By Umberto Matino

Bestürzt über den Selbstmord des Arztes Aldo Manfredini folgt Carlo Zampieri Mitte der Achtzigerjahre den letzten Spuren seines Freundes ins Leogratal. In Contrada Brunelli, einer winzigen Ansiedlung zu Füßen der venezianischen Voralpen, entdeckt er Aufzeichnungen von ihm. Abgeschnitten von der Außenwelt - fernab von Fernseh- oder Radioempfang - kommen Carlo erste Zweifel an der Selbstmordtheorie. Denn Aldos Tod ist nicht der einzige, der Fragen aufwirft. Haben die kauzigen Dorfbewohner etwas zu verbergen? Und was once haben die unheimlichen Reime zimbrischen Ursprungs in Aldos Tagebuch zu bedeuten? Auf eigene Gefahr beschließt Carlo, dem Rätsel auf den Grund zu gehen …

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Get Het derde zusje (Amsterdam) (Dutch Edition) PDF

By David Hewson,Gert van Santen

Het derde Amsterdam-boek van de schrijver van Poppenhuis en Het verkeerde meisje

Kim en Mia Timmers waren tien jaar toen ze veroordeeld werden voor de moord op de moordenaar van hun familie. De zussen zaten de afgelopen tien jaar in een gesloten inrichting in Marken hun straf uit en worden nu vrijgelaten. Als ze op weg naar een tijdelijke woning verdwijnen, wordt rechercheur Pieter Vos op de zaak gezet.

Naarmate het onderzoek vordert, wordt duidelijk dat er in de inrichting  meer aan de hand is en dat de directie grote geheimen verbergt. Zelfs commissaris De Groot, de meerdere van Vos, lijkt bewijs te verdoezelen. Dan wordt het lichaam van een medewerker op het strand van Marken gevonden en neemt de zaak een verrassende wending. Iemand doet zich voor als het derde zusje, dat tien jaar geleden overleed. Wie is dat?

De pers over Poppenhuis
‘In de nagelbijtende ontknoping valt alles op zijn plaats.’ Trouw

‘Een goed opgebouwd spannend  verhaal met een politiek tintje.’  De Telegraaf

‘De plot zit prima in elkaar, laat dat maar aan Hewson over.’ VN Detective en Thrillergids

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New PDF release: The Store

By James Patterson

The shop does not simply wish your funds – it wishes your soul.

Imagine a way forward for unheard of comfort. a robust store, the shop, can carry whatever for your door, waiting for the desires and needs you did not even understand you had.

Most individuals are high-quality with that, yet no longer Jacob and Megan Brandeis. ny writers whose livelihood is on the point of extinction, Jacob and Megan are going undercover to dig up The Store's secrets and techniques in a publication that may switch the total American lifestyle. yet after a sequence of unsettling discoveries, Jacob and Megan's worst fears concerning the shop look like simply the beginning.

Harbouring a mystery which can get him killed, Jacob has to discover how to get away The Store's watchful eye and submit his reveal – earlier than the reality dies with him.

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Download PDF by Bruce Thompson: Justice Awakened

By Bruce Thompson

The homicide of Assistant usa legal professional Daniel Franklin, and next research, thrust emerging famous person FBI distinct Agent Amy Johnson deep right into a darkish international the place geniuses, deviants, and psychopathic killers all intertwine in a legal intrigue. the invention of an exact video of AUSA Daniel Franklin’s homicide ends up in either the tried homicide of Johnson by way of the first suspect, and the subject’s seize and arrest. The simultaneous discovery at Franklin’s domestic of proof of neighborhood police corruption launches Johnson on a brand new research, person who leads down a dismal course of deceit, homicide, and malevolence of a nature by no means ahead of encountered, exposing the rawest parts of human treachery and debasement.

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Love is red: L'amore è rosso (Italian Edition) - download pdf or read online

By Sophie Jaff

los angeles sua prima arma è il sorriso: accattivante, irresistibile. Adocchia le sue vittime nei locali alla moda di ny e le seduce con studiata naturalezza. Le fa parlare, le osserva, offre loro da bere e alla fantastic riesce sempre a portarle là dove vuole arrivare. Già tre ragazze sono morte nell’ultimo mese, los angeles pelle incisa da arcani solchi, e mentre le forze dell’ordine si affannano according to trovare il più piccolo indizio, non c’è donna sola, in città, che non sia costretta a convivere con l. a. paura. Quando, nel clima di angoscia scatenato dai misteriosi omicidi, Katherine incontra David consistent with l. a. prima volta, los angeles chimica tra i due è immediata. David non è solo bello, è anche colto, garbato, pieno di attenzioni. Tutto il contrario di Sael, il suo migliore amico: freddo, scostante, eppure dotato di un fascino dall’intensità quasi elettrica. Prima ancora di accorgersene, Katherine si ritrova invischiata in un doppio gioco di seduzione dove niente e nessuno è quel che sembra. E mentre il conto delle vittime sale e l’intera città sprofonda nella psicosi, il cerchio di un destino dalle radici antichissime si stringe attorno a Katherine e ai due uomini che le confondono il cuore. Alla superb, l. a. verità verrà a galla in tutta l. a. sua sconcertante potenza, in un crescendo di colpi di scena dalla portata terrificante.

Passione, adrenalina e tutti i colori delle emozioni in un mystery sensuale e intrigante come non ne avete mai letti.

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New PDF release: Sirenen (Dutch Edition)

By Joseph Knox,Jan Mellema

Aidan Waits is een uit de gratie gevallen agent die wordt gedwongen deel te nemen aan een undercoveroperatie nadat hij medicinal drugs uit het depot heeft gestolen. Het is zijn taak om de Franchise te schaduwen, een gang die, geleid door hun charismatische leider Zain Carver, medications verspreid vanuit het bruisende uitgaanscentrum van Manchester. Maar als David Rossiter, een vooraanstaand parlementslid, de politie benadert omdat zijn dochter van huis is weggelopen om zich aan te sluiten bij de Franchise verandert alles...

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Stadt der Ertrinkenden: Kriminalroman (German Edition) by Ben Atkins,Else Laudan,B. Szelinski PDF

By Ben Atkins,Else Laudan,B. Szelinski

In einer Stadt voller Betrug und Lügen ist es schwer, die Wahrheit zu entdecken. Noch schwerer jedoch zu entscheiden, used to be richtig und used to be falsch ist. In einer einzigen Nacht gerät der Traum des Alkoholschmugglers Fontana ins Wanken, eskaliert eine nächtliche Odyssee zu der Frage, wem er überhaupt noch vertrauen kann. Die Geschichte der Prohibition in den united states, einer Zeit der sozialen und politischen Heuchelei. Ein Mid-Century-Noir voller schräger Charaktere und mit einem wortkargen Protagonisten.

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Get Nicht vom Brot allein: Sailer und Schatz: ihr dritter Fall - PDF

By Sigrun Arenz

Das Hildegard-von-Bingen-Gymnasium steht Kopf: Der doppelte Abiturjahrgang legt die Nerven clean, über Nacht tauchen rätselhafte Graffiti an den Schulwänden auf, Kruzifixe verschwinden aus den Klassenzimmern, und das Lehrerzimmer ist Schauplatz hitziger Debatten im gespaltenen Kollegium. Da liegt eines Morgens die Leiche des Biologielehrers Christopher Köhler auf der Bühne der Schulaula. Sailers und Schatz' dritter Fall führt die kratzbürstige Kommissarin und ihren Kollegen mitten hinein in den turbulenten Alltag einer G8-gebeutelten Schule. Nachforschungen über das Opfer führen aus dem health club in die Chefetagen hochangesehener Wirtschaftsbetriebe in der Metropolregion. Ist der Ermordete womöglich im Zuge der Öffnung der Schule für die Wirtschaft in gefährliche Fahrwasser geraten?

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