Download e-book for iPad: Choosing to Take a Stand: Changed me, my life, and my by S. L. Young

By S. L. Young

S. L. younger made lifestyles changing offerings that may swap him, his existence, and his future.  By making offerings to go away numerous jobs as a result of questionable or unethical habit and in addition stand-up opposed to office bullying, Mr. Young’s lifestyles and his life’s objective could considerably change.

Mr. Young’s judgements not to win at any expense may have a devastating effect on him in my view, emotionally, financially, bodily, and spiritually.  These demanding situations led Mr. younger to the verge of finishing his existence by way of death-by-suicide.

Notwithstanding the big weight of those demanding situations, he would not adjust his moral, ethical, and religious ideals to have interaction in questionable or unethical actions for monetary achieve.  The offerings Mr. younger made in the course of those tough occasions nearly broke his spirit; although, he stood by way of his robust ideals, proved his mettle, and likewise validated the significance of 'strength of character.’

This tale is set an unwillingness to compromise an individual’s ideals to have interaction in questionable or unethical actions regardless of overwhelming pressures to do differently.  Mr. younger, through the worst moments of his lifestyles, selected to give-back to assist and encourage others via his writing, inspirational speaking/radio exhibit, and the production of an academic non-profit "Saving Our groups in danger via academic providers (SOCARTES -

Mr. Young’s activities in the course of those demanding situations are robust examples of an individual’s ethics, personality, ethical braveness, resilience, and the facility to persevere in the course of tricky times.

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Choosing to Take a Stand: Changed me, my life, and my destiny by S. L. Young

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