Download PDF by Aaron Levine (1946-2011): Economic Morality and Jewish Law

By Aaron Levine (1946-2011)

Economic Morality and Jewish Law compares the way welfare economics and Jewish legislations ascertain the propriety of an monetary motion, no matter if via a personal citizen or the govt. Espousing what philosophers could name a consequentialist moral procedure, welfare economics evaluates the worthiness of an monetary motion in line with even if the motion could elevate the wealth of society ultimately. In sharp distinction, Jewish legislations espouses a deontological procedure of ethics. inside this moral procedure, the choice of the propriety of an motion is completely a question of researching the appropriate rule in Judaism's code of ethics.

This quantity explores a number of matters implicating morality for either person advertisement job and financial public coverage. concerns tested contain fee controls, the dwelling salary, the lemons challenge, brief promoting, and Ronald Coase's seminal theories on adverse externalities. to supply an analytic framework for the examine of those matters, the paintings first delineates the normative theories in the back of the concept that of monetary morality for welfare economics and Jewish legislation, and provides a case examine illustrating the deontological nature of Jewish law.

The e-book introduces what for plenty of readers can be a brand new viewpoint on commonly used monetary matters. regardless of the very varied techniques that welfare economics and Jewish legislations absorb comparing the worthiness of an fiscal motion, the writer finds a extraordinary symmetry among the 2 structures of their final prescriptions for sure financial issues.

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Economic Morality and Jewish Law by Aaron Levine (1946-2011)

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