By Emilio Zagheni,Marina Zannella,Gabriel Movsesyan,Brittney Wagner
This comparative examine of eu time transfers unearths the entire quantity of transfers within the kind of unpaid paintings and highlights the lifestyles of significant gender changes in family time creation. a wide volume of products and prone are produced by way of loved ones individuals for his or her personal intake, with out regarding industry transactions. regardless of the industrial and social value of unpaid paintings, those efficient actions are principally invisible to conventional nationwide fiscal debts. in this case, average measures of intergenerational transfers as a rule forget about loved ones creation, and hence underestimate the final worth of products and prone produced over the lifestyles cycle; particularly, the commercial contribution of women. The booklet makes use of a lifestyles path method of provide policy-relevant insights into the impression of demographic and social swap on intergenerational ties and gender inequality in loved ones production.
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A Comparative Analysis of European Time Transfers between Generations and Genders (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies) by Emilio Zagheni,Marina Zannella,Gabriel Movsesyan,Brittney Wagner
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