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By Eric Lee Goodfield

For over 100 and fifty years G.W.F. Hegel’s ghost has haunted theoretical realizing and practice.? His rivals first, and later his defenders, have both outlined their courses opposed to and with his.? during this means Hegel’s political notion has either positioned and displaced smooth political theorizing.

This e-book takes the reception of Hegel’s political idea as a lens during which modern methodological and ideological prerogatives are exposed.? It strains the 19th century origins of the positivist rebellion opposed to Hegel’s legacy ahead to political science’s shrink back from philosophical culture within the 20th century. The publication seriously experiences the next revisionist development that has eradicated his metaphysics from modern concerns of his political concept. It then strikes to think again their relation and guard their inseparability in his significant paintings on politics: the Philosophy of Right. in contrast historical past, the booklet concludes with a controversy for the inherent metaphysical size of political theorizing itself. Goodfield takes Hegel’s reception, illustration, in addition to rejection in Anglo-American scholarship as a reflect within which its metaphysical presuppositions of the political are awfully good reflected.? it truly is via such mirrored image, he argues, that we may possibly start to come to phrases with them.

This booklet might be of serious curiosity to scholars, students, and readers of political concept and philosophy, Hegel, metaphysics and the philosophy of the social sciences.

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Hegel and the Metaphysical Frontiers of Political Theory (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory) by Eric Lee Goodfield

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