New PDF release: Look at the Bunny: Totem, Taboo, Technology

By Dominic Pettman

Are totems only a specific thing of the far away prior? Or could it's that our modern new machines are generating totemic forces which we're merely commencing to realize?
This e-book asks to what measure modern-day media applied sciences are haunted via a Freudian ghost, functioning as totems or taboos (or both). via setting apart 5 case-studies (rabbits in pop culture, lively creatures that cross "off-program," digital fans, jealous animal spirit publications, and digital paradises), examine the Bunny highlights and explores ultra-modern techno-totemic setting. In doing so, it explores how nonhuman avatars are more and more anticipated to shepherd us past our land-locked identities, right into a dicy - occasionally ecstatic - courting with the Other.

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Look at the Bunny: Totem, Taboo, Technology by Dominic Pettman

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