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By P. Sean Brotherton

Revolutionary Medicine is a richly textured exam of the ways in which Cuba's public future health care approach has replaced in the past twenty years and of the which means of these alterations for traditional Cubans. until eventually the Soviet bloc collapsed in 1989, socialist Cuba inspired voters to view entry to well-being care as a human correct and the state's accountability to supply it as an ethical important. because the lack of Soviet subsidies and the tightening of the U.S. monetary embargo, Cuba's govt has came across it tough to supply the fine quality common therapy that was once so relevant to the progressive socialist venture. In Revolutionary Medicine, P. Sean Brotherton deftly integrates thought and background with ethnographic examine in Havana, together with interviews with kinfolk physicians, public wellbeing and fitness officers, study scientists, and electorate looking treatment. He describes how the deterioration of overall healthiness and social welfare courses has led Cubans to hunt healthiness care via casual preparations, in addition to state-sponsored courses. Their inventive, imaginative pursuit of wellbeing and fitness and health and wellbeing offers perception into how they navigate, adapt to, and pragmatically do something about the speedy social, monetary, and political alterations in post-Soviet Cuba.

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Revolutionary Medicine: Health and the Body in Post-Soviet Cuba (Experimental futures) by P. Sean Brotherton

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