Read e-book online Volume 6, Tome I: Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries PDF

By Jon Stewart

This quantity explores intimately Kierkegaard's a number of relatives to his German contemporaries. Kierkegaard learn German fluently and made wide use of the writings of German-speaking authors. except his modern Danish resources, the German resources have been the most vital within the improvement of his inspiration normally. This quantity represents source-work examine devoted to tracing Kierkegaard's readings and use of a few of the German-speaking authors within the assorted fields in a fashion that's as in actual fact documented as attainable. the amount has been divided into 3 tomes reflecting Kierkegaard's major parts of curiosity in regards to the German-speaking resources, particularly, philosophy, theology and a extra loosely conceived type, which has right here been particular "literature and aesthetics." this primary tome treats the German philosophical impacts on Kierkegaard. The dependence of Danish philosophy on German philosophy is past query. In a booklet evaluate in his Hegelian magazine Perseus, the poet, playwright and critic, Johan Ludvig Heiberg laments the sorrowful nation of philosophy in Denmark, whereas lauding German speculative philosophy. additionally, Kierkegaard's lifelong enemy, the theologian Hans Lassen Martensen claims with out exaggeration that the Danish structures of philosophy will be considered as the "disjecta membra" of past German structures. the entire significant German idealist philosophers made an impression in Denmark: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and most importantly, Hegel. Kierkegaard used to be commonly learn within the German philosophical literature, which he made use of in numerous methods all through his authorship.

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Volume 6, Tome I: Kierkegaard and His German Contemporaries - Philosophy: Tome I v. 6 (Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources) by Jon Stewart

by James

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