Download PDF by Verity Stokes,Nada Savitch: We Can Do I.T. Too: Using Computers in Activity Programmes

By Verity Stokes,Nada Savitch

utilizing desktops as a part of job programmes for individuals with dementia. many folks consider that pcs and other people with dementia do not combine. although pcs and different electronic contraptions reminiscent of cameras and telephones are a part of our lives and so it is vital that individuals with dementia interact with those IT pushed actions. This ebook demystifies using desktops and different details applied sciences and gives a mess of rules and case-studies demonstrating the way it can be utilized successfully. utilizing desktops in a number of methods with individuals with dementia is intensely lucrative and advantages contributors, employees and kin members.  in line with genuine reports this ebook is designed to motivate humans operating in any dementia provider. It discusses why this can be vital, the multitude of makes use of and the practicalities of introducing I.T. actions. Recording people's lives - electronic lifestyles tale books; diary making issues - calendars; photograph albums; reminders aiding with conversations - note discovering; themes speaking with acquaintances (email; Skype, social networking/discussion forums); aiding with making plans - own making plans; care plans; utilizing companies. it's compatible for care employees and executives, occupational and speech language therapists, expert task works and volunteers operating people's houses, in day care, voluntary agencies or care homes.

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We Can Do I.T. Too: Using Computers in Activity Programmes for People with Dementia by Verity Stokes,Nada Savitch

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